Milwaukee Magazine

The 5 Curbside Carryout Burgers You Need Right Now

The 5 Curbside Carryout Burgers You Need Right Now

3. Nite Owl Drive-In This awesome seasonal business is back open now until fall and is serving up such a solid all-around burger. Juicy, meaty, flavorful. I like mine with fried onions, pickle and mustard. Burger $4.50, cheeseburger $5. Tues-Sat 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Order at the walk-up window or call in your order. (830 E. Layton […]

Restaurant Review: Nite Owl is a Burger Refuge

Restaurant Review: Nite Owl is a Burger Refuge

This year’s weirdly inclement spring made things feel seasonally, even cosmically, unbalanced. But I’ll tell you what set things right: the reopening of that South Side burger refuge-from-all-that-ails, Nite Owl. Its return is so welcome that each day the place is mobbed and owner Chris Roepke can make only one guarantee – that they open at […]